

This site uses the bare minimum of functional cookies and no technologies that personally identify a user.


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Wylye Valley Disabled Children’s Charity Cookie Policy

This policy applies to the www.wvdcc.org.uk website.

What are cookies?

Cookies are simple text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device by a website’s server. Each cookie is unique to your web browser. It will contain some anonymous information such as a unique identifier, website’s domain name, and some digits and numbers.

What types of cookies do we use?

Essential cookies

Essential cookies allow us to offer you the best possible experience when accessing, navigating or using the features of our website and let’s us operate the site in accordance with the choices you make. For example, we will recognize your username and remember how you customized the site during future visits.

Personalisation, Marketing and Analytical cookies

The WVDCC website uses none of these types of cookies.

How to delete cookies?

If you want to restrict or block the cookies that are set by our website, you can do so through your browser setting. Alternatively, you can visit www.internetcookies.org , which contains comprehensive information on how to do this on a wide variety of browsers and devices. You will find general information about cookies and details on how to delete cookies from your device.

WVDCC Privacy Notice

What are Personal Data, Data Processing, Data Processors and the Data Controller?

The UK GDPR defines Personal Data (data) as any information relating to a person who can be directly or indirectly identified, in particular by reference to an identifier e.g. a name, an email address or a digital image. 

Data Processing is defined very widely but can mean anything that is done to, or with, data including simply collecting, storing, sharing or deleting the data. 

Nominated WVDCC Committee Members and Volunteers are the Data Processors who carry out the processing of this data following policy defined by the Trustees, the Data Controller.

What data does WVDCC process? 

The data we process are Holiday Children and their parents or guardians, names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses. We collect these data directly from them as part of our documented policies and procedures for ensuring the health and wellbeing of everyone at the Annual Camp.

Email addresses and bank account details are processed in the running of The 100 Club and postal addresses are processed to run the raffle.

Digital images are processed on the WVDCC website and social media groups. Consent for this processing is obtained prior to publication.

No data other than digital images are processed on the WVDCC website or social media groups; access to the groups is controlled by WVDCC nominated moderators and the groups conform to the privacy policies of their operators. Data submitted to the Just Giving website via the WVDCC website are subject to the Privacy Notice and Terms and Conditions of that website.

Data may be processed by us following their submission via the various contact forms on the website.

Trustees, Committee Members and Volunteers data are also processed in the running of the charity.

Does WVDCC process any Sensitive Personal Data?

The UK GDPR defines “special categories of personal data” also known as Sensitive Personal Data which includes data concerning health and details of criminal convictions, prosecutions or sentences. 

WVDCC processes Sensitive Personal Data concerning health for all the Holiday Children and when necessary for Volunteers. 

WVDCC does not process data relating to criminal convictions, prosecutions or sentences but the WVDCC DBS Verifier may be made aware of this data by the DBS as part of the Enhanced DBS screening process.

What are these data used for?

The data are variously used for the effective operation of the WVDCC, in particular the Annual Camp, and in the running of the 100 Club, raffle and other fundraising activities, and to discharge our legal and contractual obligations.

We do not use data for direct marketing purposes.

With whom are data shared?

Data are shared with the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) during our Enhanced Disclosure checking process. 

Your data are not passed on by us to any other organisation except where we have to comply with a legal obligation to do so. 

How are data stored?

The data are stored in both digital and paper form. 

Digital data are stored on the password protected personal computers of WVDCC Trustees, nominated Committee Members and Volunteers and their backup media.

Paper records are stored in secure physical locations.

Who is responsible for ensuring compliance with the relevant laws and regulations?

The UK GDPR requires we identify a Data Controller responsible for setting the Privacy Policy that ensures regulatory compliance. The WVDCC Data Controller is the Trustees.

Who has access to data?

Trustees and nominated Committee Members and Volunteers are Data Processors and have access to data on an as required basis for the effective running of WVDCC and its activities. 

What is the legal basis for processing this data?

WVDCC processes data on the basis of a legitimate interest necessary for the functioning of the charity and its activities.

How can you check what data we have about you?

If you want us to provide you with the type of data we hold about you, you should contact one of the Trustees, verbally, by email at resafox1@aol.com or in writing at the WVDCC registered address:

3 Drury Close


CF14 9BJ

We are required to provide this to you within one month.

There is not usually a fee for this, though we can charge a reasonable fee based on the administrative cost of providing the information or for requests for further copies of the same information. 

How can you ask for data to be removed, limited or corrected?

By contacting one of the Trustees. Note that is you ask for a complete stop to the processing of your data you will not be able to take part in the Annual Camp or any other WVDCC activity.

For how long do we keep your data, and why?

The data retention period varies according to the nature of the data. Data relating to Volunteers and supporters of WVDCC are held until such time as the Trustees determine it is no longer relevant for the individual to receive communications about future WVDCC activities. However we will delete any individual’s data entirely on request by them or their next of kin.

All data associated with records, policies, procedures, risk assessments (including fire), minor accident/incident records and medication records will be held for 6 years from the date of the camp in question.

Any data or records related to a safeguarding issue at the Annual Camp will be passed to the local authority for retention.

Any documentation or records related to a major accident or incident at the Annual Camp will be passed to the local authority for retention.

Financial records will be kept for up to 7 years to comply with legal obligations by HMRC.

Contacting us

If you have any questions about this policy or our use of cookies, please contact us at